
Fried Cream Recipe


Everyone should try this receipt; it will surprise many to know how soft

cream could be enveloped in the crust while it is an exceedingly good

dish for a dinner course or for lunch or tea. When the pudding is hard,

it can be rolled in the egg and bread crumbs. The moment the egg touches

the hot lard it hardens and secures the pudding which softens to a

creamy substance very delicious. Ingredients, one pint of milk, five

ounces of sugar (little more than half a cupful,) butter the size of a

hickory nut, yolks of three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of corn starch, and

one tablespoonful of flour, (a generous half cupful altogether), stick

of cinnamon one inch long, one half teaspoonful of vanilla. Put the

cinnamon into the milk and when it is just about to boil, stir in the

sugar, cornstarch and flour, the two latter rubbed smooth with two or

three tablespoons of extra cold milk: stir it over the fire for fully

two minutes, to cook well the starch and flour; take it from the fire,

stir in the beaten yolks of the eggs and return it a few minutes to set

them; now again taking it from the fire remove the cinnamon, stir in the

butter and vanilla and pour it on a buttered platter until one third of

an inch high. When cold and stiff cut the pudding into parallelograms,

about three inches long and two inches wide: roll them carefully, first

in sifted cracker crumbs then in eggs (slightly beaten and sweetened)

then again in cracker-crumbs. Dip these into boiling hot lard (a wire

basket should be used if convenient) and when of fine color, take them

out and place them in the oven for four or five minutes to better soften

the pudding. Sprinkle over pulverized sugar and serve immediately.



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