Two pounds and a half raisins, three quarters of currants, two pounds
finest moist sugar, two pounds bread crumbs, sixteen eggs, two pounds
finely chopped suet, six ounces mixed candied peel, juice and rind of
two lemons, one ounce of ground nutmeg, one ounce of cinnamon, half
ounce pounded bitter almonds, gill of brandy or if objected to, any
flavoring at hand. Stone and cut up the raisins do not chop them; wash
and dry the currants; cut the candied peel into thin slices; mix all the
dry ingredients well together and moisten with the eggs, which should be
well beaten; then stir in the flavoring, and when all is thoroughly
mixed, add about half a pound of flour and put the pudding into a stout
new cloth; or boil in two moulds for twelve hours and serve with rich