Slice three medium sized potatoes, boil until tender, but not soft, chop
very fine an even teaspoonful of onion with three zepherettes or small
square crackers, then add the hot potatoes and chop all together, season
with a dash of cayenne pepper, a saltspoonful of mace, a little salt and
pepper. Make a sauce with a large heaping tablespoonful of butter, a
heaping teaspoonful of flour rubbed well together in a saucepan over the
fire; when smooth add three-quarters of a cup of rich hot milk, when it
boils add the potato mixture, let it get thoroughly hot and stir into it
a well-beaten egg, remove from the fire, turn it out to get cool. Form
into cylinders, dip in egg, roll in bread crumbs, fry in boiling fat,
and serve with either Hollandaise or tartar sauce.