Terrapin Stew Recipe
Boil according to size thirty or forty minutes, so that the upper shell
will separate from the lower easily. Take "gall-bag" from liver, which
is always found on the right lobe. Avoid breaking, as it will give a
bitter taste and spoil the dish. Strip the skin from the claws, cut off
the nails and skin the head. Throw nothing away but the "gall-bag." Cut
all into small pieces; stew slowly in sherry wine closely covered, with
a goodly supply of butter and red pepper, for one hour and a half. Salt
to taste. If they have no eggs in them, add 2 or 3 eggs, hard-boiled,
for each terrapin and the juice of 1 lemon, skinning another to lay on
top. When about to take from the fire, thicken with a little flour.
Serve on hot toast, well-buttered, over which sprinkle a finely chopped