Pea Soup Recipe
Use half a pint, or seven ounces of dried peas, (cost three
cents,) for every two quarts of soup you want. Put them in three quarts
of cold water, after washing them well; bring them slowly to a boil; add
a bone, or bit of ham, if you have it to spare, one turnip, and one
carrot peeled, one onion stuck with three cloves, (cost three cents,)
and simmer three hours, stirring occasionally to prevent burning; then
pass the soup through a sieve with the aid of a potato-masher, and if it
shows any sign of settling stir into it one tablespoonful each of butter
and flour mixed together dry, (cost two cents;) this will prevent
settling; meantime fry some dice of stale bread, about two slices, cut
half an inch square, in hot fat, drain them on a sieve, and put them in
the bottom of the soup tureen in which the pea soup is served; or cut
some bits of very hard stale bread, or dry toast, to use instead of the
fried bread. By the time the soup is done it will have boiled down to
two quarts, and will be very thick and good. This receipt will cost you
about ten cents.