Dissolve an ounce of Nelson's Gelatine, previously soaked in a gill of
cold water, in a pint of hot milk. When it is so nearly cold as to be on
the point of setting, add half-a-pint of strawberry syrup, and
sufficient rose colouring to make it a delicate pink; whisk the cream
until it is light and frothy, stir in lightly a gill of whipped cream,
then mould it.
A good syrup can be made for this cream by putting half-a-pound of
strawberry and half-a-pound of raspberry jam into half-a-pint of boiling
water, and, after having well stirred it, rubbing it through a fine
sieve. The syrup should not be too sweet, and the addition of the juice
of one or two lemons, or a little citric acid, will be an advantage.
Creams, which have cochineal colouring in them, should not be put into
tin moulds, as this metal turns them of a mauve shade. Breton's Rose
Colouring is recommended, because it is prepared from vegetables, and is
free from acid.