
Vegetable Marrow Rings With Tomato Batter Recipe

1 medium-sized vegetable marrow.

8 ounces tomato pulp.

1 egg.

1 tablespoon flour.

2 ounces butter.

1 gill milk.

A little pepper and salt.

Peel the vegetable marrow, cut it into even rings about three-quarters

of an inch thick, and remove the seeds neatly (this is best done by the

aid of a pastry cutter). Dissolve the butter in a baking tin, place the

rings in, sprinkle a little salt on them, and bake in a hot oven for

half an hour, then turn them over and bake another half hour. Meanwhile

prepare the batter as follows:--take half a pound of cooked tomato pulp,

as dry as possible, and chop it well; add pepper and salt if not already

seasoned. Make a batter with the egg, flour and milk, add the tomato

pulp, and stir all well together. When the rings of marrow have been

cooking one hour, remove from the oven, fill up the centres with the

batter, replace in the oven, and bake another half hour.

Tomato sauce No. 179 should be served with this dish, which can be

specially recommended.



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