Boiled Rice Recipe
Another good dish of rice for supper can be made as
follows. Wash half a pound of rice (cost five cents,) throw it into one
quart of boiling water, containing two teaspoonfuls of salt, and boil it
fast ten minutes; drain it in a colander, saving the water to use with
broth next day; meantime just grease the pot with sweet drippings, put
the rice back in it, cover it, and set it on a brick on the top of the
stove, or in a cool oven, and let it stand ten minutes to swell; be
careful not to burn it. The addition of a very little butter, sugar,
molasses, nutmeg, lemon juice, or salt and pepper, will give it
different flavors; so that you can vary the taste, and have it often
without getting tired of it, and it need never cost you over seven