
Cherry Cheese Recipe

Put into a stone jar a pound of sound, ripe cherries,

with the stones removed, (cost about ten cents;) cover the jar closely,

set it in a saucepan half full of boiling water, and simmer it gently

until the cherries are tender; then take up the fruit, weigh it, put it

into a preserving kettle with half a pound of finely sifted sugar, (cost

about eight cents), to every pound of fruit; add a dozen cherry kernels

with the skins removed by scalding, and rubbing in a clean cloth, put

the kettle over a slow fire, and boil, stirring occasionally, until the

fruit is quite dry and clear. Meantime rinse out some shallow jars with

brandy, and when the fruit is done put it into them, pressing it down

tightly; pour a very little brandy over the top, lay a little paper on

each, then fit on the covers of the jars closely, and keep in a dry,

cool place. The above quantity will cost about twenty-five cents.



Viewed 2018 times.

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